Unsung Horrors

Looking for the best in deep-cut horror movies? We've got you covered. Hosts Lance and Erica bring you reviews of underseen horror movies, specifically those with fewer than 1,000 views on Letterboxd. From Italian to British, slasher to SOV, no stone goes unturned. Logo by Cody Schibi

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Horror Gives Back 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
In this special bonus episode, we're going through our picks in 31 different film categories from our annual Horror Gives Back charity challenge, this year benefiting The Trevor Project. For each horror movie we watched in October, we donated $1 or more to the charity, and thanks to all of the other people who participated, we raised nearly $1200 this year!
My Bloody Horrorcast’s #HorrorGivesBack episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/162JIq6JmSITXdzMVyH3qr
Bad Movie Bunnies’ #HorrorGivesBack episodes: https://badmoviebunnies.podbean.com/
Lance’s Letterboxd List: https://letterboxd.com/lschibi/list/horror-gives-back-charity-challenge-2021/
Erica’s Letterboxd List: https://letterboxd.com/hexmassacre/list/horror-gives-back-2021/
JAWS Sharksploitation Edit: https://archive.org/details/SharksploitationEditH264
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
No Rules November! Who Can Kill a Child? (1976)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
This month we're breaking our "fewer than 1000 views on Letterboxd" rule to bring you a couple of our favorites. Erica's pick is a Spanish horror movie about killer kids from a director who seems to really like kids and has an odd way of showing it. We'll discuss the impact of the archival footage at the beginning of the film, effective daylight horror, and, of course, child death.
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Interview w/ Joe Augustyn: Night Angel (1990)
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
This week we're doing something a little different as we are joined by writer Joe Augustyn, screenwriter of Night Angel and creator of the Night of the Demons franchise. We'll also discuss his latest book, Ghostwriter, and his related experiences of the paranormal.
Episode correction: Joe messaged us after recording to let us know that Steve Johnson (SFX) worked with Rick Baker, not Dick Smith.
Buy Ghostwriter here: https://ghostpolaroids.com/
Other books available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Joe-Augustyn/e/B008HZYE7U?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1634407348&sr=8-1
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Fantastic Fest 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
This week we're taking a detour from our regularly scheduled programming to discuss some new (and a few old) movies we saw at this year's Fantastic Fest, one of the world's largest genre film festivals. Get spoiler-free recommendations of over 30 movies including The Sadness, NR. 10, Benedetta, Midnight, After Blue: Dirty Paradise, Mad God, and many more!
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
The Demon Lover (1977)
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
We're conjuring up a demon this week and using our best satanic karate skills to fight off the bewilderment of 1977's The Demon Lover. And in a rare instance, we've only got one double feature pick to go with this movie, because it's the only correct answer.
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Hellhole (1985)
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
This week we celebrate queen Mary Woronov in a WIP film that really wants to be a horror movie but just can't figure out how.
Help a documentary about Woronov get made: https://my.filmindependent.org/MaryWoronovCultQueen
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Get Unsung Horrors pins and more at Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Friday the 13th: The Orphan (1978) w/ Jonathan Dzwonar
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
This week we're joined by Jonathan from the Twitch of the Death Nerve podcast to discuss a 1970s psychological horror movie. Stephen Thrower makes a case for it in his book, Nightmare USA, but do we share the same affection for it as he does? Listen to find out. We'll also share some details about our upcoming Horror Gives Back charity movie-watching challenge for October.
Follow Twitch of the Death Nerve on Instagram and listen wherever you find podcasts.
Follow Jonathan on Letterboxd @funereality and Instagram @necrocannibalisticvomitorium
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Bleeding Skull! with guests Zack Carlson, Annie Choi, and Joe Ziemba
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Warning! Listeners in the first five rows will get splattered! On this special episode, we're joined by the writers of Bleeding Skull: A 1990s Trash-Horror Odyssey. In the first half of the episode, Zack Carlson shares some of his picks from the book as well as many stories, including one about cockblocking Crispin Glover. Then Joe and Annie jump into the second half to share their picks and give all of you tons of reasons to buy this book!
Buy Bleeding Skull: A 1990s Trash-Horror Odyssey:
More Reviews from Bleeding Skull: http://bleedingskull.com/ and https://letterboxd.com/bleedingskull/
Watch The American Scream on Tubi:
Subscribed to Museum of Home Video on Twitch:
Subscribe to Museum of Home Video on Patreon:
Buy Museum of Home Video and Deathblade Merch:
Buy a badge to Fantastic Fest, in-person or virtual (U.S. only)
Donate to AGFA: https://www.americangenrefilm.com/donate/
Buy AGFA releases from Vinegar Syndrome:
Buy Annie Choi’s other books:
Listen to Joe and Annie’s music, Taken by Savages, here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DrnD9IWwpI4XD0ECswI9g
Listen to Joe’s solo music project, Desacatyl, here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3n2iPD2vHVl9l1U5OxyP2j
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Shawgust: Corpse Mania (1981)
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Shawgust continues with a giallo-style murder mystery. A necrophiliac, a madam, and a liquor delivery boy walk into a brothel...
We always say it, but SPOILERS in this episode, especially for the twist ending!
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Shawgust: Black Magic 2 (1976) w/ Ian Jane
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
It's time for Shawgust where we celebrate horror movies from Shaw Brothers Studios all month long! We're kicking it off here with Black Magic 2, a sequel in name only to Black Magic (1975), and we're joined by special guest Ian Jane from Rock! Shock! Pop! to discuss all the wackiness. Spells and counter-spells, voodoo dolls, pubic hair, breast milk, maggots, zombies, all with a dash of Hammer horror and James Bond.
Episode correction: Calamity of Snakes, not Killer Snakes, is being released by Unearthed Films.
Check out Ian's website: www.rockshockpop.com and follow him on Twitter @rockshockpop or Instagram @ianjane75. Ian's commentary is on the Blu-ray release from 88 Films (REGION B LOCKED). You can purchase it here, along with many other Shaw Brothers horror movies: https://88-films.myshopify.com/collections/88-asia-collection
Follow this podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Slasher, and Facebook @unsunghorrors.
Follow Lance on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd @lschibi
Lance’s shop: https://lanceschibi.bigcartel.com/
Follow Erica on Letterboxd, Twitter, or Instagram @hexmassacre
Logo by Cody Schibi
Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast network (www.thepfpn.com)

Welcome to Unsung Horrors
A horror movie podcast that takes you off the beaten path. In-depth episodes covering underseen horror gems, plus frequent bonus episodes covering film festivals, charity events, and film challenges.